Reverberant environments such as rooms with plain surfaces like tiled floors, blank walls, large windows can prevent users from enjoying a good conversation when wearing hearing aids. Rexton hearing aids are equipped with a feature to handle reverberation and the BiCore technological update now offers an automated version of the feature for its highest performance level.
With Rexton BiCore technology, you can offer users a clearer sound experience with less perceived reverberation as sound reflections are automatically identified and the hearing aid’s output is optimized within seconds.
Download our Handbook and get to know all technical details from the newly AutoEcho Reducer feature and how to fit it.
To address discomfort users can feel about their own voices when wearing hearing aids Rexton introduced My Voice feature in previous technologies. With BiCore technological update, the feature was improved and now individually process general sound and user’s own voice for an even smoother hearing experience.
At Rexton, we work hard to take our hearing aids to the next level and offer a more reliable hearing experience.
Download our Handbook and check how easy you can fit My Voice 2.0, performance level compatibility and technical details.
iPhone users can now enjoy high sound quality calls while performing other activities. The new feature was developed to address multi-tasking challenges users face day in and out. With a simple accept touch on the smartphone, users can keep focusing on what matters most while having Bluetooth conversations via the hearing aids.
Headset mode is switched on by default for new fittings and can only be de-activated in the iPhone. Check the video below and learn how to enable/disable
Download our Handbook and get to know all details from Headset mode and and how it works.